Fun Facts

Fun facts dont fit into any other category or do, but are specifically fun in nature! Prepare to let loose and lighten up! These facts are the funnest we got! You can even dance if you wish, I won't judge you.

  1. SURFING: Surfing was invented as a means of survival. During the golden age of sail, sailors lost at sea used planks from their destroyed ship as rafts. Once they got close enough to shore, they would surf them in. It did not take long for recreational surfing events amongst sailors to occur. Unfortanately, it is only featured scarcely in the historical record.
  2. BLACK SANTA: Contrary to popular depictions, The original St. Nicholas featured a very diffrent skin color! Santa Claus came from Dutch colonies in Africa and was originally named Sinter Klaas in Dutch. When Christmas became a major western holiday, Santa Claus was whitewashed to sell more products.
  3. PIZZA: Pizza, as we know it, was invented in the United States. Italian pizza had a diffrent recipe and ingredients. After the American first pizza was made, Italian cuisine took notes and updated their recipe to match.
  4. SKATEBOARDS: The first skateboard had one wheel in the front and one in the back. It was later changed to have four wheels to perform stunts like the iconic kickflip.
  5. BOUNCY BALLS: Did you know bouncy balls where originally created not for fun, but to predict tectonic activity? Thats right, in 1762, Dr. Ball, invented what is now a toy to detect earthquakes the second they happen.
  6. VIDEO GAMES: When videogames were first invented in the 1950s, many didn't play them because they were worried that their souls would get sucked out of their bodies.
  7. LONG FINGERNAILS: Long fingernails used to be in style for men and women alike as it was a public display of health and was useful for precision in handywork.
  8. SNOWMAN: The largest snowman ever made was 340ft tall! Now where did they find a carrot that big?
  9. THE KOREAN FLAG: The Korean flag was made in 1882 in Moscow by a Russian man. The design originally had no symbolic meaning and was made just because it looked cool.
  10. RUGBY: Football originated from a sport called rugby. Rugby was too physically demanding so players wanted more time to rest and throw the ball down the field instead of run down it themselves.
  11. EIFFEL TOWER: The Eiffel Tower grows 3ft a year due to heat expanding the metal.
  12. NEWSPAPERS: Older newspapers had a gossip section exclusively written by women journalists. This was ahead of it's time.
  13. MARRIAGE: The phrase tying the knot came from bakers kneading bread. During marriages it was tradition to have fresh bread made and thrown at the wedding humans.
  14. SPIES: Text messaging was originally invented so that spies can covertly communicate in dangerous scenarios.
  15. LADDERS: Archeologists believe ladders existed long before stairs as they were easier to make and offered more intuitive and effecient usage.
  16. COLLEGE: There are more colleges around the world than high-schools, middle-schools, and elementry-schools combined.
  17. LIGHTBULB: The first lightbulb was invented by Charles Lightbulb after he hit his head and saw light. After he came to his senses, he announced "ladies and gentleman I have an idea". This iconic phrase is referenced heavily to this day.
  18. HEAVY METAL MUSIC: Heavy metal music was created to mock the popular at the time rock and roll culture in the 80s. This exaggeration of the genre caught on and became it's own thing.
  19. TEMPERATURE: In temperatures above 90 degrees fahrenheit it take approximately five minutes to scramble eggs outside in direct sunlight.
  20. FUN: Fun facts are the best.